Love O2O (TV Series) - 微微一笑很倾城
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Bei Weiwei (Zheng Shuang) is the school's beauty, who also excels in her studies. She aspires to be a game designer/engineer, and goes by the alias of Luwei Weiwei in the online role-playing game Dreaming of Jianghu. After she gets dumped by her online husband Zhenshui Wuxiang, she gets approached by the number one player Yixiao Naihe, who suggested that they enter into a marriage so they can both level up in game. The newly formed couple instantly hit it off, and undergoes many adventures together in game.

However, Weiwei never expected the identity of her gaming husband to be her college senior, Xiao Nai (Yang Yang), who is described as the cream of the crop in both sports and academics. When Weiwei discovers his real identity, they have already fallen in love with each other.